Project Play - Aspen Institute

Power of Play

Parents and leaders from across sectors believe in the power of sport to build healthy children and communities. They're concerned about rising participation fees, high attrition and low physical activity rates, injury risks, and a shift away from unstructured play. They also recognize that no one group alone can address these trends.

Kobe Raised Our Game
With heavy hearts, we remember Kobe Bryant, who worked with Project Play to improve youth sports with as much ferocity as he showed on the court during his legendary career. He launched our #DontRetireKid campaign, giving voice to the voiceless. Kobe didn't just want to wake up sports parents to the pressures they are putting on kids to perform. He wanted to punch them in the nose, even if it meant alienating some fans. Now it’s up to us to be as impatient as he was with progress.

Project Play Summit 2022

What Kids Want and Need How to Draw the Line on Coach Abuse
Activating Children's Voice and  Rights When Cops are Coaches
How to Revitalize Your In-Town Rec League How to Partner with Schools 
How Soccer Can Transform Youth Sports Prioritizing Health and Safety:  It's Time
How to  Unlock Access to New Federal Funding Title IX - The Next 50 Years
Conversation With a Coach:  Unleashing Your Inner Ted LassoDriving Sports Equity Through A Racial Disparity Lens

There is one link used for all the sessions.   Use this link to view the sessions.   There are forward and back arrows at the top right corner of the photo, use those to toggle between sessions, then click on the photo to view the session.

Project Play Summit 2020

Conference Videos 

What Kids Need from Coaches Now

Prioritizing Life Skills as We Return to Play

Future of Sports Activism: Reimagining its Bottom Line: 2 hour video from December 10, 2018 Conference

Future of Coaching: 2.5 hour video from the March 5, 2019 Conference

The Recovery We Need Now, July 15, 2020

The Rebuild We Need Now, August 5, 2020

The Reform We Need Now, August 26, 2020

Parent Checklists 

Kids 5 and Younger - Checklist

Kids 6 - 12 Who Play Sports - Checklist

Kids 6 - 12 Who do NOT Play Sports - Checklist

Local Sponsors

Georgia Little League

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Phone: 404-394-1690

Email: [email protected]