Little League Urban Initiative Program

The Little League Urban Initiative program provides assistance packages for eligible leagues that aid the local volunteer group with equipment acquisition, capital improvement cash grants, field development and renovation, access to Little League Baseball and Softball Education and Training programs, advocacy, and networking.

A league does not have to be "urban" to qualify. They might be in a rural area and still qualify. Leagues who struggle to make financial ends meet, who have a large number of families who need financial assistance, who serve areas in which the volunteer base to draw from may be small, may all qualify for the program.

To find out if your league qualifies, contact Demiko Ervin, Director of the Urban Initiative Program.

Download the Urban Initiative Brochure.

Urban Initiative Grants

American Honda Motor Company

Honda donates $100,000 annually to the Little League Urban Initiative to establish a cash grant program. Eligible leagues can apply for a cash grant ranging from $500-$5,000 for capital improvement projects. Click here for the Honda Grant Application.

Little League Grow the Game Grants

The Little League® Grant Program was introduced in 2015 to provide assistance to local Little League programs working to further the mission of Little League in their community. Grants are available for general league enhancement, enhancement/development of the Challenger program, enhancement/development of the Softball program and to leagues enrolled in the Little League Urban Initiative.

Download the Little League Grant Application

2018 Urban Initiative Jamborees

Belvedere Little League will host one of the Southeast Region Urban Initiative Jamborees in 2018. The tournament will be held May 18 - 20.

Additional Jamborees will be held:

  • April 27 - 29 California Baseball Jamboree --- San Diego, Calif.
  • April 20 - 22 California Softball Jamboree -- Richmond, Calif.
  • May 4- 6 Florida State Jamboree --- Clearwater, Fla.
  • May 18 - 20 Texas State Baseball Jamboree --- Houston, Texas
  • June 8 - 10 Texas State Softball Jamboree --- Dallas, Texas
  • June 8 - 10 New York Metro Jamboree --- Bronx, N.Y.
  • June 29 - July 1 Central Region Jamboree --- Indianapolis, Ind.

Download the 2018 Urban Initiative Jamborees Flyer - coming soon

Georgia Urban Initiative History

2018:  UI Jamboree    Macon Little League 2018 UI Champions

2017: UI Jamboree hosted by Belvedere LL, GA D3   Ben Hill Little League 2017 UI Champions

2016: UI Jamboree hosted in Charlotte, NC.

2015: UI Jamboree hosted in Charlotte, NC.

2014: UI Jamboree hosted in Memphis, TN.

2013: Milford Little League hosts the 4th GA UI Jamboree. Midway Heights Little League crowned 2013 Champs.

2012: Milford Little League hosts the 3rd GA UI Jamboree. Belvedere Little League crowned 2012 Champs.

2011: Belvedere Little League hosts the 2nd GA UI Jamboree.

2010: Belvedere Little League hosts the first GA UI Jamboree.

2009: South Fulton Little League travels to Williamsport, PA, to play in the Urban Initiative Jamboree.

Georgia Champions

2018 UI Champions - Macon Little League

2017 UI Champions - Ben Hill Little League

Local Sponsors

Georgia Little League

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Phone: 404-394-1690

Email: [email protected]