Positive Coaching Alliance, aka PCA, has developed an entire online resource center to help coaches, parents, players and organization administrators make the most out of their youth sports involvement. PCA's motto: Better Athletes, Better People.
The Positive Coach uses the power of positive reinforcement to pursue winning and the more important goal of teaching life lessons through sports. "Encouraging athletes with positive reinforcement helps them hear and heed the necessary corrections. With that winning combination of truthful, specific praise and constructive criticism, athletic performance improves and so do the chances that kids stick with sports longer and learn all the valuable life lessons inherently available through organized competition."Kobe Bryant and His Impact on Women’s SportsHow to Encourage Positive Fan Behavior: "Honor the Game" Gameplan Honoring the Game - Life is a Team SportThe ROOTS Of Honoring The Game And Sportsmanship
Positive Coaching Alliance
Positive Coaching Alliance Development Zone
Videos: The Power of Positive with Brian McBride
Video: Coaches Can Measure Success Based on How Many Kids Want to Play Next Year
Video: Tony LaRussa: Developing a Player in All Aspects
Two Little League® World Series Coaches Win Positive Coach Alliance Double-Goal Coach AwardPCA Presents: Coaches Crossing The LineMillion Coaches Challenge
Practice Planning - Empathy ExamplesVIEW TALKING POINTS
Incorporating EmpathyVIEW TALKING POINTS
If you have no experience with PCA, this is the course for you... Positive is Powerful! In this highly-interactive online Double-Goal Coach® course from PCA – with advice from top pro athletes and coaches on PCA’s National Advisory Board – coaches explore why and how to pursue both winning and the more important goal of teaching life lessons through sports.
Phil Jackson, Doc Rivers, Herm Edwards and other top coaches and athletes help you create a team culture of excellence. Specific sections of the course focus on how to create dynamic practices and strategies for getting the most from your athletes – as players and as people -- before, during and after the game.
Phil Jackson, Julie Foudy, Shane Battier, Herm Edwards and other top coaches and athletes train coaches to help high school athletes become "Triple-Impact Competitors" who improve on three levels: Personal Mastery – Making oneself better, Leadership – Making one's teammates better, and Honoring the Game – Making the game better.
This interactive workshop is filled with powerful officiating tools, is based on the latest research from sports psychology, and reflects the "best practices" of elite officials across the country! It introduces PCA's three main principles behind creating a positive youth sports culture for officials: Mastery (ELM); Never Too High, Never Too Low; Honoring the Game.
Top coaches and athletes train youth sports parents to focus on helping their children process the life lessons uniquely available through sports. This highly interactive workshop provides specific tips and techniques for parents to use in talking with their children on game day, developing a productive parent – coach relationship, and becoming effective and positive supporters in the stands.
Doc Rivers, Julie Foudy, Shane Battier and other top coaches, athletes, and experts teach student-athletes how to make positive contributions on three levels: Personal Mastery: Improving Oneself; Leadership: Improving Teammates; Honoring the Game: Improving the Sport.
Get the right start to your coaching career with these tips. View Resources
Double-Goal Coach Job Description
How PCA Helped Transform a Coach
16 Tips for the First-Time CoachThe 8 Benefits Of Mindfulness For Coaches And Athletes
How to best prepare before the season begins. View Resources
Dealing With Tryout Anxiety
How To Lead Player Tryouts For A Youth Sports Organization
Guidelines and advice for game time play at all levels. View Resources
Doc Rivers On Sports Parents Seeking More Playing TimeHere's What Happens When Parents Remove Pressure From the Sidelines
How Coaches Allocate Playing Time
Parents Shouldn't Be Involved In Playing Time DiscussionsPlaying TimePlaying Time: Underclassmen Ahead Of SeniorsWhen Playing Time Issues are Extreme and Effort is There, Then What? Avoiding the Question "Why Am I Not Playing" by Over-Communicating
Brandi Chastain On Coaching Her Son
Steve Kerr Coached His Son's Team The Same As He Coaches The Warriors
AJ Hinch On Coaching Your Own Child
Tips for Coaching Your Own Child: A Coach Hat
Why More Mothers Should Coach Youth Sports
Coaching Your Own Child
As an introduction to the program, this is an opportunity to experience some of the transformational moments of the past year as well as gain an understanding of the key pillars that make up the foundation of our SCBR initiative. EXPLORE NOW
Make that courageous conversation. To prepare and help you in establishing a dialogue with your athletes regarding equity and inclusion, we offer a conversation guide to better develop solutions that work to battle racism within the environment of sports. EXPLORE NOW
Hear the points of view of some of the most inspiring thought leaders in sports, as well as, prolific athletes of color who have broken through racial and gender barriers, heralding lasting positive change in their wake. EXPLORE NOW
As an opportunity to proactively problem solve and create a dialogue around equity, we invite you to sign-up and take part in our free Sports Can Battle Racism roundtable happening this Wednesday, June 9th. EXPLORE NOW
We are pleased to offer free access to a 15-minute version of our Sports Can Battle Racism workshop webinar which will provide a brief inside look at how the program furthers a culture of equity and inclusivity for all. EXPLORE NOW
This past year as a community and a culture we have made the commitment to support issues of inclusivity and equity. We now invite you to lend your voice to ours, so that we may all stand together for positive change. EXPLORE NOW
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