SafeSport is the program that went into effect in 2018 as a result of the Federal Government's "Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and SafeSport Authorization Act of 2017." Reporting suspected or known child abuse is Federally Mandated.
Beginning immediately, Little League International and all local Little League programs must adhere to the following requirements from the SafeSport Act:
1- Reporting of Child Abuse, including sexual abuse involving a minor, to the proper authorities. Contact one of your state/county/local law enforcement agencies or Child Services Department within 24 hours.
• All volunteers of a local league are now mandated reporters and could face criminal charges if the league chooses to ignore, or not report to the proper authorities, any reason to suspect an act of child abuse, including sexual abuse, within 24 hours.
• Local leagues must be aware of the proper procedures to report sexual abuse in their state. Please reference
2- Leagues must adopt a policy that prohibits retaliation on "good faith" reports of child abuse.
3- Leagues must adopt a policy that limits one-one-one contact with minors.
4- Leagues are highly encouraged to complete the Abuse Awareness training provided by USA Baseball and SafeSport.