
Little League Regulation III, The Teams, (d) 2, Note 3:

If a medical professional, Umpire in Chief, the player's coach, the player's manager, or the player's parent has determined a player sustains a possible concussion, the player must be, at a minimum, removed from the game and/or practice for the remainder of that day. The league must also be aware of its respective state/provincial/municipal laws with regards to concussions and impose any additional requirements as necessary. His/her return to full participation is subject to:

  1. The league's adherence to its respective state/provincial/municipal laws
  2. An evaluation and a written clearance from a physician or other accredited medical provider
  3. Written acknowledgement of the parents

Little League International strongly encourages all leagues and teams to not only comply with any applicable state/provincial/municipal laws, but also, to review the information and training materials on concussions that are available free
e of charge on the Centers for Disease Control website, accessible at This link also provides concussion information from all 50 states.

A Nurse's Guide to Sports Concussions

Georgia's Return to Play Act

The Georgia law ("Return to Play Act") is located at Title 20 of the Official Code of Georgia under miscellaneous provisions of the "Quality Basic Education Act" at Section 20-2-324.1.

The Georgia law requires that each public recreation facility must provide a concussion information sheet to all youth athletes' parents/guardians at the time of registration and are encouraged to develop and implement a concussion management and return to play policy.

Youth athlete is defined as a participant in a youth athletic activity age 7 and under age 19 years of age. "Youth athletic activity" means an organized athletic activity in which the majority of participants are youth athletes and are engaged in an organized athletic game, competition or practice or preparation against another team, club or entity, but does not include college or university activities, activities incidental to a nonathletic program or youth athletic activities offered by a church or synagogue.

Public recreation facility is a public facility that conducts organized youth activity requiring registration and a participation fee.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Online Concussion Training

HEADS UP Concussion in Youth Sports is a free, online course available to coaches, parents, and others helping to keep athletes safe from concussion.

Once the training and quiz is completed, you may print a certificate to show your league that you have completed the training.

Things that are covered in the course:

  • Understand a concussion and the potential consequences of this injury
  • Recognize concussion signs and symptoms and how to respond
  • Learn about steps for returning to activity (play and school) after a concussion
  • Focus on prevention and preparedness to help keep athletes safe season-to-season

Launch the HeadsUp Course

CDC Parent Resources


Concussion Information Sheet for Parents to sign and return to league

Concussion Information Sheet for Parents in Spanish

Concussion Fact Sheet

Concussion Fact Sheet in Spanish

HeadsUp Concussions in Youth Sports Card

HeadsUp Concussions in Youth Sports Card in Spanish

The free CDC HEADS UP Concussion and Helmet Safety app will help you learn how to spot a possible concussion and what to do if you think your child or teen has a concussion or other serious brain injury. The application also includes a 3D helmet fit feature that teaches about proper helmet fit, safety and care.

CDC Child Resources

6 - 8 Year Olds                        

Rocket Blades: The CDC's first ever mobile app on concussion safety for young children. Free!

Rocket Blades Video

Athletes 11 - 13 Years Old    

Fact Sheet for 11 -13 Year Olds

Fact Sheet for 11 - 13 Year Olds in Spanish

Athletes 14 - 18 Years Old        

Fact Sheet for 14 - 18 Year Olds

Fact Sheet for 14-18 Year Olds in Spanish

CDC Sports Officials Resources

Sports Officials                 

Launch Heads Up Course

Heads Up Fact Sheet for Sports Officials

Heads Up Fact Sheet for Sports Officials in Spanish

Watch out for possible concussions!

  • Use injury timeouts to ensure that an athlete with a possible concussion is removed from play. When in doubt, sit them out!
  • Enforce the rule than an athlete with a possible concussion cannot return to play on the same day of the injury and until seen and cleared by a health care provider.

Local Sponsors

Georgia Little League

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