| Years ago, when my daughter was a 10-year-old Little League Softball® player, I ended up making a big mistake. I was at most practices, watching from the bleachers. Michaela did great. Always hustled, hit the ball well, and fielded fine. But, when it came to games, she struggled. I talked to her about it, her manager worked with her, her older brother even gave her some advice. We just couldn't figure out how she was such a nice practice player, but when the uniform was on, she was different. Maybe it was nerves. We never found an answer. My mistake occurred when I pulled her from Little League® after that season, and decided, on her behalf, to focus solely on soccer, where she was a standout. I look back now, and regret the decision for two reasons. One, despite her game day struggles, she was still having fun, and that is what it's about at that age. Second, I went the route of specialization despite many of my friends telling me not to. At the time, I figured she was advancing so much more in soccer, that is where she'd find the most success and happiness. Read More .... |