Sports and Your Child

This page will contain articles from various sources on heath and safety, tips and techniques and anything else that might be relevant to your child and his/her sports experience.

Project Play: Children's Bill of Rights in Sports

Project Play's newest resource aims to create a 
shared cultural understanding that all youth have the
right to develop as people through sports.

1. To play sports
2. To play in safe and healthy environments
3. To have qualified program leaders
4. To have developmentally appropriate play
5. To share in the planning and delivery of activities
6. To have an equal opportunity for personal growth
7. To be treated with dignity
8. To enjoy themselves


Kidpower Shorts - General Safety videos

Kidpower is the global nonprofit leader in personal safety education for all ages, teaching skills for strong relationships and the prevention of harm.  Kidpower teaches skills to help kids be safe, be confident, and have happy, strong relationships.  Kidpower teaches skills to help kids be safe, be confident, and have happy, strong relationships.  Fullpower gives adults tools to protect themselves and others in their homes and workplaces.

The Kidpower Shorts video series presents safety skills for all ages in a simple, quick, and engaging format.   Topics like awareness, online safety, and emotional safety accessible and applicable to people from all backgrounds who are practicing how to keep themselves safe in the world!

Local Sponsors

Georgia Little League

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