1. Registration FormThe ASAP Plan contains 16 items, all listed on the Registration Form. The Registration Form is part of the online submission form.
The 2020 survey question asks about the Abuse Awareness Training offered by USA Baseball and SafeSport.
2. Facility Survey
You need to check your park to be sure it is safe to play in. Things change over time and need to be checked out.
The best way to complete your facility survey is to download last year's Little League Facility Survey from the Data Center and then head out to the park to fill in the survey. You can then enter the information online through the Little League Data Center. Once it is entered into the Data Center, your information is saved and only needs to be updated annually.
3. Safety PlanCreate a Safety Manual for your Managers and Coaches. Give them a guideline to use in the case of injuries and emergencies.
(League and district officers can download safety plans from previous seasons in the Reports section. Reports from 2018 and 2019 can be found under Historical Safety Plans. This feature will be available throughout the year.)
Your plan might include:
- Where to seek shelter in bad weather
- Where to locate your AED
- How to administer CPR while waiting for emergency services
- How to avoid heat injuries
Basic Safety Plan - Simple
Detailed Safety Plan - 2014 National Winner
Create a Safety Manual for your Concession Workers. Provide guidelines for safe food handling and storage.
4. Player and Volunteer DataA part of your ASAP (A Safety Awareness Plan) is the submission of player and all volunteers data or rosters. This data is uploaded into the Little League Data Center in a specific format. This data does not have to be submitted at the same time as your Registration Form, Safety Plan and Facility Survey, but it must be uploaded by the submission deadlines in order to receive your league credits on insurance or the district credits.
- April 3: Deadline for districts to have all league plans approved in order to receive district incentives
- April 17: Deadline for all league plans to be submitted online or postmarked in order to earn incentives
The following spreadsheets can be downloaded from the Little League Data Center, completed and then uploaded back to the Data Center to complete the requirement to submit player/volunteer data.
- Little League Roster Spreadsheet
- Player Registration Data Spreadsheet
- Manager/Coach/Volunteer Data Spreadsheet
After filling in your spreadsheet, click the "Export" button on the sheet and save it to your computer with a file name you can easily find later. The "Export" button creates a Text File that is used to upload data to the Data Center. Once you have created your "myleague.txt" file, it is ready to upload to the Data Center. Log into the Data Center with your League ID and Password, go to Manage Registration Data/Rosters, click the appropriate "Upload ... Data" button, Browse for the Text File you saved to your computer, choose either "Add or "Replace from the box, then hit "Import."
Remember: The first step is to populate your spreadsheet and "Export" it to your computer. The second step is to retrieve that text file when you are in the Data Center and "Import" it to Little League.