SE Region Clinics & Seminars

Umpire Rules Seminars


Umpire Clinics
Classroom and
On-Field Training

February 2 -4 , 2024:  Umpire Mechanics Clinic 1.0

  • SE Region Headquarters
  • February 2, starts at 6 pm
  • February 4, ends at noon
  • $50
  • Register
Umpire Clinics
Classroom and 
On-Field Training

February 15 - 17, 2024:  Umpire Mechanics Clinic 2.0

SE Region Headquarters
February 15, starts at 6 pm
February 17, ends at noon


September 14: 
Youth Umpire Clinic


 Johns Island, South Carolina
Registration and information
Designed specifically for umpires under the age of 18, the Little League 1-Day Youth Umpire Clinic aims to equip youth umpires with the training necessary to become familiar with the basics of umpiring the plate and the bases, empower them to be successful, and encourage them to experience the sport from a new, unique perspective.
 October 15 - 20, 2024:  Umpire AcademySE Region Headquarters
Registration and Information 
The Little League Umpire Academy is an extended umpire training event providing a comprehensive, jam-packed, hands-on, and engaging study and application of the Little League Rules, Plate Mechanics, Base Mechanics, and the fundamentals of Working the 2-Umpire System.
 November 2, 1024:  Umpire Outreach ClinicWinston-Salem, NC
Registration and information
The Little League 1-Day Outreach Clinic will be led by members of the Little League Instructor Staff and seeks to help umpires of all experience levels learn the fundamentals of umpiring Little League Baseball and Softball.

Southeast Region Umpires

Our Southeastern Region Umpires are a fantastic crew!  Marshall Casey, from South Carolina, is the Region UIC in charge of 6 additional Regional Staff Umpires.  Brian Henry, GA 7, is one of those 7 on the SE Region Umpire Staff.

The staff conducts a 2-Man Umpire Clinic at the SE Region Headquarters in February, a 4-Man Umpire Clinic at SE Region Headquarters in May/June and a 5-day Umpire School at the SE Region Headquarters in October.

In addition to the clinics held at SE Region Headquarters, the Umpire Staff hits the road 4 times a year to present an umpire clinic in 4 of our Southeastern states. 

Joining the SE Region Umpire Alumni Association and attending SE Region clinics are 2 of an umpire's best investments in furthering their umpire careers.

From PCA: The Current State Of Officiating And Where To Go From Here

SE Region Umpire Alumni

Join the Southeastern Region Umpire Alumni Association. The association is open to any umpire who officiated at any of the Southern Region (pre-2003) or Southeastern Region Baseball or Softball Tournaments.

  • There is NO FEE to join the association.
  • Members receive a 10% discount on region umpire training registrations.

Click here to complete the application to join the Southeastern Region Umpire Alumni Association.

GA World Series Umpire

2023:  Brian Henry, GA7, Little League Baseball World Series

2023:  Donnie Caudill, GA8, Little League Baseball World Series

2023:  Carlos Rodriguez Jr, GA2, Junior League Baseball  World Series

2023:  Buster Hickam, GA 5, Little League Softball World Series

2020:  Bill Vikara, formerly GA2, Little League Baseball World Series

2020:  Ucal Palmer, GA2, Intermediate Baseball World Series

2019: Chris Furnish, GA2, Intermediate World Series

2018: Gary Kappeller, GA7, Little League Softball World Series

2017: Gary York, GA7, Little League Softball World Series

2017: Randy Jackson, GA7, Senior League Baseball World Series

2016: Brian Henry, GA 7, Little League Baseball World Series

2014: Carlos Rodriguez, GA 2, Little LEague Baseball World Series

2014: Gary York, GA 7, Little League Softball World Series

2014: Ken Fitts, GA 2, Intermediate World Series

2013: Don Dozier, GA 2, Intermediate World Series

2013: Gilbert Mayfield, GA 7, Junior League Baseball World Series

2010: Ted Collins, GA 2, Little League Baseball World Series

2010: Mike Wilson, GA 4, Junior League Baseball World Series

2009: Jeremy Hayes, GA 1, Senior League Baseball World Series

2008: Don Dozier, GA 2, Little League Baseball World Series

2007: Jeremy Haley, GA 7, Little League Baseball World Series

2007: Brian Henry, GA 7, Junior League Baseball World Series

2006: Jim Knorr, GA 2, Little League Baseball World Series

2006: Thomas Smith, GA 8, Little League Softball World Series

2005: Lamar Pelfry, GA 1, Little League Baseball World Series

2005: Lee Hayes, GA 1, Junior League Baseball World Series

2005: Anthony Webb, GA 3, Senior League Baseball World Series

2004: Jonathan Haley, GA 7, Little League Softball World Series

2004: TJ Brown, GA 2, Junior League Baseball World Series

2004: John Gray, GA 10, Senior League Baseball World Series

2002: Ronny Harris, GA 10, Little League Baseball World Series

2000: Mike Wilson, GA 4, Little League Baseball World Series 

GA Regional Umpire Appointments

2019: Ucal Palmer, GA 2, Little League Baseball Regional (Warner Robins, GA)

2019: Gerald Johnson, GA 3, Little League Baseball Regional (Warner Robins, GA)

2019: Buster Hickam, GA 5, Little League Softball Regional (Warner Robins, GA)

2019: Dustin Smith, GA 5, Junior League Baseball Regional (Broadway, VA)

2019: Donnie Caudill, GA 8, Senior League Baseball Regional (Safety Harbor, FL)

2019: Barton Mace, GA 8, Senior League Softball Regional (Salisbury, NC)

2018: Chris Furnish, GA 2, Little League Baseball Regional (Warner Robins, GA)

2018: Harold Brannen, GA 2, Intermediate Baseball Regional (Kernersville, NC)

2018: Alex Perry, GA 7, Senior League Baseball Regional (Safety Harbor, FL)

2017: Donnie Caudill, GA 8, Little League Baseball Regional (Warner Robins, GA)

2017: Dustin Smith, GA 5, Intermediate Baseball Regional (Kernersville, NC)

2017: Barton Mace, GA 8, Junior League Softball Regional (Rowan, NC)

2017: Chris Mixon, GA 5, Senior League Baseball Regional (Safety Harbor, FL)

2017: Buster Hickam, GA 5, Senior League Softball Regional (Rowan, NC)

2017: Patti Roper, GA 8, Senior League Softball Regional (Rowan, NC)

2016: John Carr, GA 2, Little League Baseball Regional (Warner Robins, GA)

2016: Ucal Palmer, Jr, GA 2, Intermediate Baseball Regional (Kernersville, NC)

2016: Ronald Brainard, GA 5, Junior League Baseball Regional (Rowan, NC)

2016: Randy Jackson, GA 7, Senior League Baseball Regional ( Rowan, NC)

2016: Buster Hickam, GA 8, Big League Baseball Regional (Florida)

2016: Robbie Guest, GA 5, Little League Softball Regional (Warner Robins, GA)

2016: Donnie Caudill, GA 8, Senior League Softball Regional (Rowan, NC)

2015: Gary York, GA 7, Little League Baseball Regional (Warner Robins, GA)

2015: Bill Vikara, GA 2, Little League Baseball Regional (Warner Robins, GA)

2015: Chris Mixon, GA 5, Intermediate Baseball Regional (Kernersville, NC)

2015: Ronald Brainard, GA 5, Senior League Baseball Regional (Safety Harbor, FL)

2015: Donny Caudill, GA 8, Little League Softball Regional (Warner Robins, GA)

Local Sponsors

Georgia Little League

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Phone: 404-394-1690

Email: [email protected]